Welcome to my Web site! Genealogy has been a hobby of mine for many years. When I first started I didn't always keep the records I should have, and some have been lost over time and a few moves. The records here have some names that have a lot of records to back up the facts. Some of it is my own research, some belongs to others. Some disagree about facts or conclusions. I have left all the information just as received. I didn't try to take one side against another. For some of the people I have a lot more information. For others what you see is all I have. There are 3173 Individuals and 1158 Family Groups. Just click on the Surnames Index Page at the left.
This page will be almost constantly undergoing construction. If you have research materials or photo's that you would be willing to share, please e-mail me. Please send me your favorite links to add to the Favorites page.
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This page was last updated on 02/15/99. |